Why Your Biceps Are Not Growing

Your bicep size matters not only for the visual appeal but also for the confidence-boost. There is a pretty famous saying in the gym bro level that education is important but the growing biceps are the way of life. The idealized physique takes years of hard work, dedication and proper diet and many of us are killing ourselves in pursuit of it, no matter with wrong attempts. Biceps are the key part of your body growing which is really taxing. May be you have been doing things wrong so far. Here are some reasons why your efforts are going in vain:

Use the right variations and forms-
No matter if you are doing standing and seated bicep curls. It bears the same effects in your body. Also switching barbells or dumbbells also don't make significant difference. So, in order to attain the overall muscle growth. You need to concentrate on training them at various lengths. Variations should be different to train your arms better.

Change strategy-
Don't train with same grips, angles and plans over and over. Instead experiment with close grip medium or wide grip in a bar. You can also curl by leaning forward instead of just standing and setting pull from a lower or upper pull. These strategical changes are likely to bring you quicker benefits.

Acquire full range of motion-
We recommend you to start every repetition with biceps fully lengthened to exhaust the more out of the training. It also induces growth as the muscles are under tension for longer. 

Induce hypertrophy-
Inducing hypertrophy is equally essential like getting a good stretch. Also, a strong peak contractions at the top of any sort of curl is also important squeezing the biceps to utmost level generates better blood flow, shoots of more fibers and increases lactic acid burn thereby promoting the muscle growth.

Keep the wrists in line-
Try to keep the wrists in line with the forearms throughout the entire set and don't curl the wrists backwards while initiating the movement with forearms flexors.

Not get sufficient sleep-
If you are not getting sufficient sleep, it hinders your muscle growth. Sleeping less than 8 hours boosts cortisol in your body which is detrimental to the testosterone production. Muscle protein synthesis and muscle recovery as a whole. So you are ought to catch at least 7-8 hours of sleep.


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